by ivargon in In actuality
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
papaloukas - 27 by September by 2015, 11:23
Tiene poca emoción este año…y pobre Fernando xD
Raulmo - 27 by September by 2015, 11:58
A mi la F1 no me gusta D: xD
petothebest - 27 by September by 2015, 12:55
Año monótono como llevamos así varios
Gilet00 - 27 by September by 2015, 16:49
Va sobradísimo
monicamp95 - 27 by September by 2015, 17:47
JanayEdgar - 27 by September by 2015, 21:51
Sin ser yo el más fan de Hamilton (si acaso lo contrario) hay que decir que está intratable :S
PARRI30 - 29 by September by 2015, 12:26
Una pena y me cae fatal
PARRI30 - 4 by October by 2015, 12:39
Maldito hamolton
Juli14 - 17 by October by 2015, 18:54
el coche que tiene, no Hamilton
lauridoctor - 8 by August by 2016, 17:19
Me cae fatal el niño consentido ese.