by JanayEdgar in In actuality
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
ivargon - 3 by October by 2015, 14:38
hay que ir siempre con el futbol y el espectaculo...
aunque si pierde el barsa mejor XD
CUTIDC - 3 by October by 2015, 14:42
que gane el mejor
petothebest - 3 by October by 2015, 14:45
K haya buen juego pero soy del Real Madrid asík mejor k pierda el Barcelona
JanayEdgar - 3 by October by 2015, 14:49
Acabe de caer en que yo no me he mojado. Yo voy con el Barça avui y sempre :)
mil_jorge - 3 by October by 2015, 14:55
No me importa demasiado, que pierdan los dos
Raulmo - 3 by October by 2015, 15:05
Nunca me han llamado los equipos altos (Barça o Madrid) así que pese a que el fútbol no me guste, quiero que pierda el Barçaj ajajaj
Edito: Los del barça espero no caeros mal :/
noreu - 3 by October by 2015, 15:24
ivargon - 3 by October by 2015, 17:44
Lo siento por los del barsa, pero un madridista que se alegra de la victoria del sevilla
ivargon - 3 by October by 2015, 17:45
por cierto, atentos a mi post de mañana que hare una porra en el derbi y habrá regalito pampling para el acertante (prometido)
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:46
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:46
2@1 penalty injusto
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:46
Minuto 90
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:46
Gana el swvilla
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:47
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:47
Y 4 mas
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:48
Que pite ya
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:48
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:48
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:49
47 y ataca sevilla
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:49
No van a pitar un penalty al Sevilla?
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:49
Por lo menos dos no han pitado al sevilla
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:50
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:50
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:50
48'30 ataca el barsa
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:51
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:51
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:51
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:51
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:52
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:52
Final 2@1
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:52
Ahora a ver a los porretas y que mañana gane el madrid
PORRETAS - 3 by October by 2015, 17:53
Siento tanto mensaje pero estoy muy emocionado y borracho
petothebest - 3 by October by 2015, 19:09
Tomaaaa ha ganado el Sevilla, ahora a esperar k gane el Madrid
JanayEdgar - 3 by October by 2015, 19:46
jajajajajajaja Porretas haciendo de Jose Francisco de la COPE. "¿Cuánto queda Jose Francisco?".
Pues nos han dado en el morrito si :( Vaya racha está pasando el Barça macho... :S
Plazi - 3 by October by 2015, 20:46
Sin Messi el Barca no vale nadaaaa
mil_jorge - 4 by October by 2015, 15:16
Pues una sorpresa!
mil_jorge - 4 by October by 2015, 15:17
Lo de los comentarios no pasa nada, emtendemos tu euforia jajaaj
mil_jorge - 4 by October by 2015, 15:17
A mi tb me pasa a veces
papaloukas - 5 by October by 2015, 17:29
Al final jornada de locos!
Plazi - 6 by October by 2015, 11:18
sin Messi es otra cosa - 15 by October by 2015, 22:27
Juli14 - 21 by October by 2015, 18:55
que gane el mejor