by monicamp95 in Others
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
Raulmo - 31 by October by 2015, 19:09
Has contado mejores!! D:
Este no me hizo gracia del todo >.
lirika6 - 31 by October by 2015, 19:41
Jajajajajajaja muy bueno!
nakotxu - 31 by October by 2015, 19:51
no está mal jejeje
petothebest - 31 by October by 2015, 22:27
JanayEdgar - 31 by October by 2015, 23:54
Que maloo!! Jajaja xD!!
raquel39 - 1 by November by 2015, 00:18
Jajaja!!! Al final era porque le había salido gay! :P
papaloukas - 1 by November by 2015, 00:26
jajajajajjaja, vaya panorama xD
aida1977 - 1 by November by 2015, 00:31
Jajajajaja,muy bueno
Apeiros3 - 1 by November by 2015, 11:12
omicron102 - 1 by November by 2015, 16:16
Pues en el pasado se tenía que hacer esto para fingir que era el "hombre" de la casa... pero realmente tenía una segunda vida con un amante hombre. También ocurría con mujeres, simulando ser hombres.
morti_tkt - 16 by February by 2016, 14:20