I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
aida1977 - 2 by December by 2015, 18:19
Jajajajajajaja..muy bueno.
dmolero - 2 by December by 2015, 18:24
Raulvisi - 2 by December by 2015, 18:34
Gracias chicos.Hola sois majos¡¡¡
miku - 2 by December by 2015, 18:42
Es muy bueno, yo ya lo había visto antes por aquí,pero al menos lo as vuelto a compartir con nosotros :)
petothebest - 2 by December by 2015, 18:50
jaja muy bueno. Hace poco lo vi por aqui
Raquelcg - 2 by December by 2015, 18:52
xDDDDD este es bueno!
anaira - 2 by December by 2015, 19:48
sergiolokus - 2 by December by 2015, 20:16
Estos chistes tontos siempre te sacan una sonrisilla jejeje
Francisco Jesús - 2 by December by 2015, 20:50
Que malo jajajajaja
Riverart - 2 by December by 2015, 21:04
Larelain - 2 by December by 2015, 21:41
jajajajaja que buenoxD
SOLDEIN - 2 by December by 2015, 21:56
XDDDDDDDDD Corto pero efectivo!
raquel39 - 3 by December by 2015, 00:05
Jajaja!!! Pues si que tenia la nariz grande, si!!
ArcticRaccoon - 3 by December by 2015, 00:06
qué malo xD
papaloukas - 3 by December by 2015, 00:54
jajajajaj,un clásico de los chistes!
NinoXv - 3 by December by 2015, 01:26
que antiguo!! jajajajajaja
Apeiros3 - 3 by December by 2015, 09:19
Clasicaaazo jajaa
Raulmo - 3 by December by 2015, 14:25
Jajajajaaja, no sobrevivió a eso xD como dicen, todo un clásico!
morti_tkt - 16 by February by 2016, 14:15