I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
javier.pampling - 21 by May by 2009, 13:55
Hola Anita85, seguro que aciertas. Muchas gracias por tu confianza.
er_kachi - 21 by May by 2009, 18:07
Yo creo que el tema de la crisis la nota asta el presidente del gobierno...
..... o no?
monicamp95 - 9 by September by 2015, 15:50
Son geniales estas camisetas :)
Gilet00 - 22 by September by 2015, 20:27
Jajaja ¿adicta a las compras? :P
andresrojo98 - 14 by October by 2015, 21:25
Ya mejorara la cosa, sort
Francisco Jesús - 8 by December by 2015, 17:03
tu y yodos
Javijj - 27 by December by 2015, 14:02
Gracias al sistema de puntos actual ese problema esta ya solucionado.
Olii - 13 by January by 2016, 00:44
Compaginando dinero con puntos podemos conseguir muchas de las camisetas que nos gustan ^^
MaríaSnape - 28 by January by 2016, 17:02
COn los puntos todo es más fácil :)
ardisaurio - 10 by February by 2016, 21:04
Compra con conciencia.
NosferatuRot - 19 by February by 2016, 20:17
erpatodekaze - 21 by February by 2016, 13:41
Platelminto - 25 by February by 2016, 12:23
buenos días
erpatodekaze - 1 by March by 2016, 00:42
erpatodekaze - 1 by March by 2016, 00:42
erpatodekaze - 1 by March by 2016, 00:42
erpatodekaze - 1 by March by 2016, 00:43
erpatodekaze - 1 by March by 2016, 00:43
Platelminto - 2 by March by 2016, 10:50
Buenos días!!!!
Platelminto - 16 by March by 2016, 10:21
Platelminto - 19 by March by 2016, 10:29
cueto - 23 by March by 2016, 07:35
No eres la unica, yo tambien me compraría todas las camisetas jajajajajajaja
concienciadegrillo - 1 by December by 2016, 09:42
concienciadegrillo - 1 by December by 2016, 09:42
concienciadegrillo - 1 by December by 2016, 09:42
concienciadegrillo - 1 by December by 2016, 09:43
myt98 - 16 by June by 2017, 04:07
holaa :)
Je3Nn - 26 by April by 2018, 12:13
No te pasa solo a ti jaja
Fer19 - 2 by June by 2018, 18:13
Ya somos dos jeje