by zoponero in About Pampling
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
raquel39 - 12 by December by 2015, 09:59
Jajaja!! Buena respuesta, por pedir...!
mariapr91 - 12 by December by 2015, 10:32
jajaja muy bueno!!!
anaira - 12 by December by 2015, 10:43
jajajajajajaja,como siempre en tu linea
Raulmo - 12 by December by 2015, 10:53
Y oye, si se las hace, eso que se gana! jajajajajajajajajajaja
Javijj - 12 by December by 2015, 11:13
Es muy malooooo jajajajaja pero se agradece que se pongan chistes por aquí, muchas veces son bastante buenos y me río mucho con vosotros :)
aida1977 - 12 by December by 2015, 11:20
ArcticRaccoon - 12 by December by 2015, 11:51
En fin... jajajaja
petothebest - 12 by December by 2015, 12:28
jajajajaj que gula
txanius - 12 by December by 2015, 12:35
Jajajajaja. Muy bueno! Espero que caseras!jajaja
papaloukas - 12 by December by 2015, 12:42
Nunca sobran unas buenas croquetas.
Larelain - 12 by December by 2015, 14:23
jajajajajaja buenisimoxD
Apeiros3 - 14 by December by 2015, 13:17
jajajajaja zasca
Davijoa - 5 by February by 2016, 22:12
morti_tkt - 16 by February by 2016, 14:13
pablingv - 3 by March by 2016, 12:16
que ricas las croquetas