by City Hunter in About Pampling
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
petothebest - 23 by December by 2015, 00:29
Victoria aplastante en mi opinion para el codigo DaVinci y Angeles y Demonios
DoDesKaDen - 23 by December by 2015, 00:29
Empate? Creo que dado el carácter más aventuril de sus pelis y pese a que sea mr. peloloco Cage.... me quedo con Benjamin Franklin Gates
Raquelmo - 23 by December by 2015, 13:14
Difícil decisión así que diré empate!
Larelain - 23 by December by 2015, 13:28
Yo me decanto por Robert Langdon jajaja
Francisco Jesús - 23 by December by 2015, 13:28
Empate :)
jjcc - 23 by December by 2015, 16:47
Yo me decanto por Benjamin Franklin Gates, Langdon no me parecía tan inteligente.
Raulmo - 23 by December by 2015, 17:56
Empate, ya que no he visto ninguna de las dos, así que no me mojo
Apeiros3 - 24 by December by 2015, 10:37
sora.kurobara - 27 by January by 2016, 02:25
defensa - 26 by April by 2016, 10:27
Loligarci - 20 by December by 2017, 04:13
gente como veis el actual sistema de puntos?
Loligarci - 20 by December by 2017, 04:14
señorxs vengo de ver La liga de la justicia, peliculon
Loligarci - 20 by December by 2017, 04:14
gente alguien con steam??