by zoponero in About Pampling
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
raquel39 - 4 by January by 2016, 09:12
Que malo! Que es que los alemanes no sonrien?
Lucky - 4 by January by 2016, 09:27
Jajajajajajajajajaja, es buenísimo, pero que buenísimo.
Yo trabajo en una empresa alemana y puedo atestiguar que para ellos el hecho de sonreír les cuesta bastante trabajo.... ;')
zoponero - 4 by January by 2016, 10:31
xD me alegro que te haya gustado
petothebest - 4 by January by 2016, 12:34
jajajaj vaya fama de serios que tienen
anefurstin4 - 4 by January by 2016, 13:03
Dani999ultra - 4 by January by 2016, 13:53
Jajaja que malo
cristygm90 - 4 by January by 2016, 14:46
Raquelmo - 4 by January by 2016, 15:27
Raulmo - 4 by January by 2016, 16:28
jajajajajajajajaj que bueno!!!
Apeiros3 - 4 by January by 2016, 16:44
jajajaja pero sí que sonríeeen!!!!!
Davijoa - 25 by January by 2016, 20:11
morti_tkt - 16 by February by 2016, 14:07
pablingv - 3 by March by 2016, 12:04