by lizieshadows in In actuality
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
Raquelmo - 19 by January by 2016, 22:19
Vaya >.< que lástima :(
petothebest - 19 by January by 2016, 23:35
esta muriendo gente importante en muy poco tiempo, pero esto que eeeessss
anefurstin4 - 20 by January by 2016, 02:02
Lo he oido hoy en las noticias... una lástima
Raulmo - 20 by January by 2016, 21:35
Una pena... D.E.P. TT
morti_tkt - 14 by February by 2016, 02:31
DEP, pero no lo conocía.