I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
sora.kurobara - 24 by January by 2016, 19:58
no estoy muy puesta en ello asique dire por decir yo digo que gana Madrid
SOLDEIN - 24 by January by 2016, 20:04
Soy Bético y digo que gana el Betis 2-1, por soñar XD
mariapr91 - 24 by January by 2016, 20:26
Como buena bética, 1-0 a favor de mi Betis
Raquelmo - 24 by January by 2016, 20:50
mmm yo diré 1-2 seguro que ganara el madrid xDD
petothebest - 24 by January by 2016, 21:29
esperemos que remonte el madrid, digo 1-2 tambien como Raquelmo
Raulmo - 25 by January by 2016, 13:55
Creo que llego tarde... jajajaja
funnylove11 - 25 by January by 2016, 16:44
Empate :P
Javijj - 20 by March by 2016, 18:07