I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
sora.kurobara - 27 by January by 2016, 22:02
mola ^^
petothebest - 27 by January by 2016, 22:14
lo estoy viendo, espero que remonte el partido porque he apostado
Fpdavid - 27 by January by 2016, 22:23
A ver si el Barça no pierde que no pinta bien hoy
petothebest - 27 by January by 2016, 22:24
y yo que habia apostado que ganaba :(
MaríaSnape - 27 by January by 2016, 23:35
que disfrutes el partido
IrisCerdanVilla - 27 by January by 2016, 23:42
Raquelmo - 28 by January by 2016, 00:05
Espero que hayas disfrutado :)
rebeka54 - 28 by January by 2016, 13:12
que disfrutes del partido
anefurstin4 - 28 by January by 2016, 13:14
Eliminados :(
PARRI30 - 13 by March by 2016, 00:04