by silvia2502 in Personal
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
sora.kurobara - 8 by February by 2016, 01:19
que te vaya bien :3
Psicolgado - 8 by February by 2016, 01:21
Dios... Qué pereza -_- ... 4 semanas estudiando para los cuatrimestrales y solo 2 días para reponerme de ellos... Rebelémonos!! XD
morti_tkt - 8 by February by 2016, 01:46
suerte a todos, y muchos ánimos!
The_Ice_Princess - 8 by February by 2016, 02:07
Muchísima suerte y que vaya genial!
Platelminto - 8 by February by 2016, 07:35
Suerte, y sobretodo ánimo
Alyan - 8 by February by 2016, 10:39
Ánimo con lo que te queda!!!
lizieshadows - 8 by February by 2016, 11:04
Ánimo, que te vaya bien!
anefurstin4 - 8 by February by 2016, 11:45
¡Mucho ánimo con este cuatrimestre!
Beatriz0002 - 8 by February by 2016, 12:16
Mucho ánimo!
petothebest - 8 by February by 2016, 12:19
muchisimo animo!!!!
Raquelmo - 8 by February by 2016, 13:15
Espero que te vaya muy bien, ánimo!!
raquel39 - 8 by February by 2016, 13:19
Muchos ánimos a los que están de estudios!! Suerte!
sandralb90 - 8 by February by 2016, 16:48
Muchísimo ánimo !!! y suerte !!
Art3591 - 8 by February by 2016, 17:59
Ánimo para este nuevo cuatrimestre que nos espera.
MaríaSnape - 9 by February by 2016, 18:29