I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
petothebest - 8 by February by 2016, 23:48
muy bien, pero danos mas datos. Escribe un poquillo mas jeje
sora.kurobara - 8 by February by 2016, 23:50
pues a por ello pues
The_Ice_Princess - 9 by February by 2016, 00:21
Por algo en particular? Te gusta enseñar a niños de primaria
morti_tkt - 9 by February by 2016, 00:24
pues adelante, querer es poder.
anefurstin4 - 9 by February by 2016, 00:30
pues animo!
Beatriz0002 - 9 by February by 2016, 09:49
Te ánimo a hacerlo si es tu sueño ^^
ArcticRaccoon - 9 by February by 2016, 11:04
pues ánimo!
sandralb90 - 9 by February by 2016, 12:12
animo !!!
Fpdavid - 9 by February by 2016, 12:21
jajajaja, cuánta información
Raquelmo - 9 by February by 2016, 13:16
Pues a por ello!!!!
MaríaSnape - 9 by February by 2016, 17:59
pues ya sabes
raquel39 - 9 by February by 2016, 22:28
Muchos ánimos, espero que te vayan genial los estudios! Si quieres estudiar magisterio es que se te da bien enseñar, no?