I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
petothebest - 24 by February by 2016, 20:03
y tiene toda la razon
The_Ice_Princess - 24 by February by 2016, 20:10
Muy cierto, por experiencia te lo digo
elepepe - 24 by February by 2016, 20:30
Jope, que frase más triste.
Ángel.M - 24 by February by 2016, 20:56
Cierto si señor
Psicolgado - 24 by February by 2016, 21:25
Totalmente de acuerdo ;)
sora.kurobara - 24 by February by 2016, 22:03
que tragico xd
Raquelmo - 24 by February by 2016, 22:16
Muy cierto
Teffys92 - 25 by February by 2016, 00:04
Verdad verdadera
raquel39 - 25 by February by 2016, 00:18
Que triste dar el último beso, el último adiós! :'(
Inho365 - 25 by February by 2016, 13:15
buena frase