by Platelminto in Others
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
Batacac - 12 by March by 2016, 11:19
Juego de Tronos.
rebeka54 - 12 by March by 2016, 12:28
regreso al futuro
Davijoa - 12 by March by 2016, 12:35
Imposible elegur
jorgetc16 - 12 by March by 2016, 13:17
Uff quizás Her, porque la tengo muy reciente y me gusto mucho, aunque Gattaca también me gusto mucho en su momento.
ArcticRaccoon - 12 by March by 2016, 13:38
Star Wars~
Por ahí arriba han comentado "juego de tronos"... eso es fantasía, no ciencia ficción jeje
Inho365 - 12 by March by 2016, 14:04
Regreso al futuro
Eric valderrama - 12 by March by 2016, 14:22
Harri Potter peli y libros, sin duda.
raquel39 - 12 by March by 2016, 14:23
Stargate, me encantó la serie y la película!
petothebest - 12 by March by 2016, 15:28
pues creo que regreso al futuro
Aaricia - 12 by March by 2016, 16:48
Firefly!! La mejor serie del mundo... con tan solo 12 capítulos T.T
SackPlanet - 12 by March by 2016, 17:14
MariaTormenta - 14 by April by 2016, 13:55
Regreso al futuro
peah16212 - 24 by September by 2016, 16:24
Lord of the rings