I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
janire - 6 by July by 2009, 00:55
je je je... la verdad es que está muy guay!!!
bertente - 6 by July by 2009, 09:50
Sí, pero no tengo muy claro que diseño hacer....ya se me ocurrirá algo supongo. jeje
gmayoral - 6 by July by 2009, 22:19
Este corto es buenísimo, mi preferido, gracias por recordármelo.
bertente - 7 by July by 2009, 08:45
De nada, a ver si te animas y haces algo!
Voy a intentar diseñar algo para el nuevo concurso de Meristation.
NatalyCarry - 1 by August by 2009, 12:34
k bueno!!!! desde luego en camiseta quedaría chuliiiiisimo!!!! pero habrá k saber como plasmarlo.
bertente - 1 by August by 2009, 12:48
Es lo que estoy intentando pero no he hecho nunca ningun diseño y me da un poco de miedo con las criticas que leo de otros diseños.
Gilet00 - 23 by September by 2015, 20:07
Me gusta!
aaronito_96@hotmail.com - 20 by October by 2015, 00:28
Un saludo desde Zaragoza :)
petothebest - 20 by October by 2015, 19:50
jejeje mola
aaronito_96@hotmail.com - 21 by October by 2015, 19:34
aaronito_96@hotmail.com - 21 by October by 2015, 19:34
Bonito post!
Javijj - 27 by December by 2015, 19:59
Es muy gracioso el corto, seguro que una camiseta de el arrasaría.
Olii - 13 by January by 2016, 03:10
jajaja, que divertido!
MaríaSnape - 29 by January by 2016, 16:37
está bien
ardisaurio - 10 by February by 2016, 21:38
Estaría guay.
NosferatuRot - 19 by February by 2016, 20:30
Platelminto - 2 by March by 2016, 12:22
Buenos días!!!
Platelminto - 12 by March by 2016, 17:41
Platelminto - 16 by March by 2016, 11:48
Laura Laurita - 5 by November by 2016, 16:00
hola hola
Laura Laurita - 5 by November by 2016, 16:00
hola hola
Fer19 - 2 by June by 2018, 18:46