by Ann Alexander in Personal
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
PARRI30 - 3 by April by 2016, 23:16
me toca currar
AldoWasHere - 3 by April by 2016, 23:27
Que suerte! Por aquí no es festivo que yo sepa :/
Teffys92 - 3 by April by 2016, 23:30
Yo estoy en el paro, igualmente es fiesta, pero aun no se que hare...
patrycc198 - 3 by April by 2016, 23:36
Pues yo tengo clase jooo
Josyta30 - 4 by April by 2016, 01:36
yo estoy en paro,pero aqui si que se tabaja
Cayetano - 4 by April by 2016, 09:14
qué suerte! yo la semana que viene no tengo clases por la feria de Sevilla!
Inho365 - 4 by April by 2016, 11:42
que suerte, a mi me toca currar