I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
Narvi_yopo - 18 by January by 2010, 16:19
Yeah :P la que mas me gusta del grupo ;)
muzikera666 - 18 by January by 2010, 16:22
me gusta este grupo :p bonita canción!
kisa_espejo - 18 by January by 2010, 16:28
Ya lo sabia, la tengo en tu pc :P
alexsandra - 18 by January by 2010, 23:38
me gusta muxo este grupo!! y en mi opinion es una de las mejores canciones k tienen... junto con la de the kill ;)
ardisaurio - 12 by February by 2016, 03:30
mola mucho
Olii - 2 by March by 2016, 12:26
Parece increible :D