by chari in About Pampling
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
Karma - 5 by May by 2016, 19:14
Que suerte! He escuchado a gente que ha tenido problemas con la atencion al cliente de Media Mark. A dusfrutar de tu movil!
Josyta30 - 5 by May by 2016, 19:28
Asi da gusto jejeje ahora aver sino te falla
javiviXD - 5 by May by 2016, 19:50
Que bien, que movil es?
sora.kurobara - 6 by May by 2016, 01:43
que suerte!!! al menos no te han tenido que cambiar o asi
defensa - 6 by May by 2016, 09:58
Vaya que bien, ahora a usarlo sin problemas.
Marilolo - 8 by December by 2017, 20:50
Hola :D
Marilolo - 8 by December by 2017, 20:50
:) Interesante
Caaarloo - 8 by December by 2017, 21:44
Caaarloo - 8 by December by 2017, 21:44