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Shizuru - 4 by November by 2016, 16:13

Vale el primer nombre (izquierda) es el de chico y el de la derecha el de chica. Mi nombre no es Magnua sino Magda. Ya no me mola tanto x__D

peke_lau - 4 by November by 2016, 17:10

Lagertha Halfhand.
Creo que soy una de las protas, no?? jajaja

casape - 4 by November by 2016, 17:56

si eso vi que habia para chico y para chica, el mio es Cadence Stoutspear pues esta guay no? jiji

Petazetas72 - 4 by November by 2016, 18:08

Jajaja. Jorgen The Bold, o sea, Jorge el Valiente. :)

Zharia - 4 by November by 2016, 18:20

Katrine the Crow...suena a asesina o espía mires donde lo mires

Eyrin - 4 by November by 2016, 19:03

Siggy Whitemane

Nicollard - 4 by November by 2016, 21:10

Nadia the Red. Doy miedo.

Lullabay - 4 by November by 2016, 22:17

Nadia the Innocent... =)

EagleFlyFree - 5 by November by 2016, 01:52

Floki the Bold
(y Floki es mi favorito de la serie, al menos de la primera temporada)

irium - 5 by November by 2016, 03:35

Floki Hollowleg

Milena4444 - 5 by November by 2016, 13:01

Moon Moon lol....es broma...el mío es Magda (La Lagartona) The Laggard

SweetChildOfMine - 9 by December by 2017, 02:37


SweetChildOfMine - 9 by December by 2017, 02:37


Line 63


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