I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
The_Ice_Princess - 3 by January by 2017, 15:56
Yo lo he visto y he pensado "hostia puta..." asi que imagino que gritaria internamente eso xD
Nicollard - 3 by January by 2017, 15:57
Pobre... Puf. Mecagüen, se me ocurriría a mí...
sora.kurobara - 3 by January by 2017, 16:43
QUE COJONES ??!!! seria lo que yo diria xd
rakelittle - 3 by January by 2017, 17:44
A todos nos sale una blasfemia! jajaja
Eyrin - 3 by January by 2017, 17:59
Yo creo que me quedaría muda de la impresión y pensaría que no puede ser verdad lo que estoy viendo
peke_lau - 3 by January by 2017, 21:44
No me jodas!!
EagleFlyFree - 4 by January by 2017, 01:21
Houston, tenéis un problema
P.D: Juegos del hambre? Y yo sin apuntarme?
Lullabay - 5 by January by 2017, 00:19
jjcc - 6 by January by 2017, 21:27
Vaya puuuuuu.. con el curro que te habías pegado, muchas gracias por hacerlo otra vez!!
SweetChildOfMine - 9 by December by 2017, 02:25
SweetChildOfMine - 9 by December by 2017, 02:25