I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
sora.kurobara - 20 by January by 2017, 11:32
geo libertarianismo imperialista xd que cosa mas rara
JesusSF - 20 by January by 2017, 16:57
Cosmoestructuralismo terrorista WTF? XD
Troinoyt97 - 20 by January by 2017, 17:33
demoanarquismo trumpista. Creo que puede ser una opción real ahora que se ha investido a Trump.
Lullabay - 22 by January by 2017, 21:29
Heteromonarquismo nixoniano... =S
Eyrin - 23 by January by 2017, 20:21
SweetChildOfMine - 9 by December by 2017, 02:21
SweetChildOfMine - 9 by December by 2017, 02:21