I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
Rafiki - 2 by August by 2017, 15:16
-Mad scientist
-Mind control
Vamos que gracias a un científico loco puedo volar y controlar mentes... interesante jajaja
jjcc - 2 by August by 2017, 15:41
Gracias a un anillo encantado soy el Hombre de Hielo y además un metamorfo.
Eyrin - 4 by August by 2017, 15:05
Telepatía y salud gracias a un inventor rico. Será Tony Stark? *_*
SweetChildOfMine - 9 by December by 2017, 01:38
SweetChildOfMine - 9 by December by 2017, 01:38