by mauro88 in In actuality
I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
Nagooooo - 14 by October by 2010, 11:49
O.o increible....
emqmpctpch - 14 by October by 2010, 15:50
veamos si cuando tenga 80 años le gusta tanto...
anabelenana - 14 by October by 2010, 18:31
vaya tontaco,tenia qe haber visitado el sicologo antes,ja,ja,no sabe qe es un tatuaje peqeño de un escudo ??
Gayoso - 15 by October by 2010, 15:13
además de tonto por hacerse eso tonto por k se lo dejaron horrible XD
tonto al cuadrado!