I'm sure you have a lot to say, we're waiting for you.
antonniotoro1986 - 13 by March by 2019, 01:56
a mi tb me gusta un buen bracero
MssBerry - 13 by March by 2019, 03:26
Me gusta tu comentario.
Donde vivo hace casi siempre buen tiempo y se agradece la lluvia y estar debajo del brasero:)
chidori777 - 13 by March by 2019, 18:08
A mi no me gusta el calor, me agobio
petrutlucia - 13 by March by 2019, 23:09
I'm a child of winter, and I so so understand you!
Spring makes me so anxious, because it's the first sign that summer is coming, and I'm going to die slowly.
I also love autumn, with its beautiful colours :)
BrujaNº13 - 14 by March by 2019, 19:23
A mí me gusta el invierno y el verano jajaja