DESIGNS OF chris.dalida back The King 0 2 Humanity's Strongest 0 1 Steel Armor Alchemist 2 8 Alchemist of Steel 2 4 Attack of Ultra Instinct 2 3 Dragon wishes 1 6 Viking Assassins 1 3 Hidden Blade of Vikings 1 1 Uravity ochako 1 1 Son of Endevor 2 3 Explosion Bakugo 2 2 9th Holder of All for One 1 2 Ultra instinct power 0 2 Cute Companion 1 2 Attack of Trunks 0 1 Attack of Gohan 1 2 Blue Flame Dabi 0 1 Erasure Hero 0 2 Attack of gotenks 1 2 Attack of Son 2 1 2 Humanoid Typhoon 0 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15