DESIGNS OF chris.dalida back Attack of Vegeto 0 3 Attack of Son 1 5 Attack of buu 1 3 Attack of Shenron 2 1 5 Attack of Shenron 0 3 Baldy Cape 2 3 Water-Breathing Attack-Tanjiro 0 2 Thunder-Breathing-Attack Zenitsu 0 1 Demon Beauty-mizuko 2 3 Boar Mask-Inosuke 1 2 Last of us 2 0 0 Clown Skull 1 0 Thunderbold Killua 0 0 Sephiroth - Great Villain 0 1 Squall - the gunblade hero 0 2 Noctis - The New King 0 3 Tidus - Blitzball Player 0 1 Zidane - The Thief 0 1 Cloud Strife 1 3 Pirate Hunter 0 2 The Eagle Bearer 0 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16