DESIGNS OF chris.dalida back Attack of the Prince 2 3 Attack of the Potara 2 3 Attack of the Emperor 3 1 Attack of the Future 2 3 Attack of the Fusion 1 5 Attack of the Saiyan 1 2 Attack of the Invincible 1 5 Super Rose Power 5 3 Ultra Instinct Hero 3 7 The Legendary Villain 2 6 Majin Saiyan Prince 2 2 Hellfire 2 1 Diamond Dust 2 2 Gravija 3 4 Wolf vs Night 4 4 Legendary Saiyan 3 1 Keyblade Hero 0 4 Eyes on me 3 3 This is my Story 2 6 Gunblade Rivals 4 5 Let The Hunt Begin 2 5 12 13 14 15 16