DESIGNS OF JayHai back Villain People 0 1 The Pumpkin Ball 0 2 Mayhem Club 0 2 Mutant Handshake 0 1 Lucky Django 0 2 The Slasher Mask 0 2 NIGIRIVANA 0 1 FOREVER 0 3 Martyrion 3 1 Despicable Mini Me 0 1 Despicable Mini Me 0 1 Metalhead 1 2 The Powerpuff Freddie 1 3 The Powerpuff Freddie 0 0 Count, the animated series 5 6 Metal Angel 4 4 KICKS 1 2 Saiyan Numbers 1 0 Saturday Night Dinner 2 0 Stranger PAC 2 2 Super Shelby Bros 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6