DESIGNS OF JayHai back Hellfire Kitty 1 0 Morning Danger 8 6 Be Friki 1 2 The Kyubi King 1 2 Mia & Vincent 1 5 Summer Chocolate 2 2 Love and Thunder 1 0 1 Master of Thunder 3 3 Air Asteroid 0 1 Meteorksy 0 0 This is my lava 3 4 Bad Luck 2 2 Mortal Comba 1 0 Miyagi' s Park 1 0 Nightmare before Sarlacc 0 1 Distracted Pizza 4 1 Adopt a Pizza 0 2 Moonopoly 1 1 In the sky 3 3 BIG 2 0 Metallicap 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7