DESIGNS OF UmbertoVicente back F.R.I.D.A.Y.S 0 2 Gogh-Zilla 3 1 The Little Naruto 0 0 Finding Wally 0 0 Yin Yang Coffee 2 0 Merry CATmas 0 0 X-MAS 0 1 Cherry Christmas 1 0 Vitruvian Astronaut 0 0 Van Coffee 0 2 Cosmos Christmas 2 5 E = Merry Christmas² 0 2 I'm Not a MUGgle 0 5 Homer's Science 0 1 The Lion King 0 1 Artistronaut 0 2 I'm Fitness 0 0 Confused Rubik Cube 0 4 Kittyss 0 2 Alien's Collection 0 3 Star Cat Wars 0 2 1 2 3