DESIGNS OF danielmorris back Bluey Barbie 0 1 Antisocial Cat 0 1 Plagued By Anxiety 0 0 Burn Things! 0 0 Everything Is FIne! 0 2 Be Like A Star 0 0 Don't Trust Atoms 0 3 Caffeine & Sarcasm 0 2 Single Taken 0 2 Leonardo Glitch 0 1 Raphael Glitch 0 0 Michelangelo Glitch 0 0 Donatello Glitch 0 0 Gwen Glitch 0 4 Peter Glitch 0 3 Miles Glitch 0 3 Jack Skellington Glitch 0 2 Freddy Glitch 0 1 Ghostface Glitch 0 0 Michael Glitch 0 1 Social Interaction Error 0 1 1 2 3 4 5