FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Lullabay back Nightmare before Batman 7 10 Attack of the 50 ft. cyclops 5 4 Jakemoon 6 4 That's all jerks! 2 7 Future Dogs 16 9 Kiss Jimmy Jr 11 2 Grumpy Cat Christmas 15 14 You're My Only Hope - Leia 12 18 Claws 9 2 Colors Eater 3 3 The Best Side 8 3 The Double Ice 19 5 Got Beer ? 2 1 My Neighbor Ranma 5 22 Aviator 10 3 It´s Showtime 20 11 The Hero Kid 23 9 BOOM! J,j,j,j,j... 17 15 Rex tiene miedo 19 7 Vaca y Pollo comen... ¡Pollo! 25 11 angry hitch 3 5 1 1 2