FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF DarthAlex back Dark L space 13 9 Star Bowling 25 17 Raven Crow 24 18 Vitruvian Bats ( Versión Batarang) 19 8 Urban Mantis 15 4 Captain. 17 6 Knight of Ren. 14 9 Fear the blood. 16 5 Trooper Armor 22 19 Mandalorian Armor 19 17 Magic Will Never End 25 31 Titans are coming 16 23 Wonderland Moon-Glow 37 63 Nightmare Moon-Glow 33 54 Toothless Mask 20 10 First Order Stormtroopers 26 7 it's lightfull inside 31 19 Always Memories 45 38 Iron Samurai 26 8 Angel Sangriento 30 32 Darth Juggler 25 9 1 2