FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF who cares? back El Caballero Negro 0 3 Starry Scarif 9 14 The incredible master 6 7 Mr. It 5 9 Nerf This! 1 12 The little girl and the Wolf 6 11 Bat's All, Folks! 1 7 Dracarys 6 13 Sons Of... CHEMISTRY! 5 6 How to raise a dragon 4 6 Clown 10 6 The Reaper 1 4 Predator Hunting Club 2 3 Vote Vlad Tepes 9 6 Manhunter 5 2 Escape from the Lonely Mountain 14 5 Cazadores 7 4 DRAGON BORN! 4 2 Imperial Leader 7 8 Death Trooper 14 8 Punish 6 9 1 2