FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Aranzazu Garcia Humanes back Ned Butt! 19 8 Soot Sprites 7 3 Crush the Resistance 8 6 The lonely Spirit 8 9 Spirit in the Forest 14 20 Welcome to Neo Tokyo 11 9 Ponyo y sus hermanas 11 7 Le Petit Footballeur 23 10 Spirit Girl 14 20 Ghibli Starry Night 5 12 Only the force can judge me 5 6 Golden Ghibli 5 14 CMYK 421 5 11 The Fire Rises 5 7 LEONES 8 3 FN-2187 Pocket 15 6 Totoro Matrioska 3 6 The encounter 7 20 No face 11 9 Kame Sennin academy 4 6 POLADROID 11 14 8 9 10 11 12