FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Aranzazu Garcia Humanes back Hime 5 4 Viva la Rebelion 6 4 The Iron Automaton 4 5 In the Midst of War 4 3 Se Busca Lord Oscuro 6 6 Boxing Night 7 5 80'S BEST FRIENDS 9 9 Rad Hunter 1 4 Rad Trooper 1 3 Forest Protectors 2 6 Nightly Spirits 5 7 The Nightmare Before Empire 9 14 Aztec droid 3 4 The Battle 3 11 A Night for Spirits 1 13 The Magic of True Love 8 13 Phantom of the Empire Trooper 1 6 Phantom of the Empire Fett 0 4 Os traigo amor 6 12 Hunk-A-Junk 0 6 Eight Digidestined 10 15 1 2 3 4 5 6