FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Aranzazu Garcia Humanes back Kodama Forest 2 5 Spirited Forest 2 5 Lion University 1 7 Always 6 5 Searching for my Princess 3 5 Haunted Castle 11 13 Flying witch 7 15 My Friend T. 5 11 Bolsillo de Doraemon 11 8 Super Kamehameha 8 19 Be a (Wo)Man 8 8 He Lives In You 30 41 Lucky Meowth 19 13 Adventure Time! 9 6 Ink Forest 12 25 Visit Namek 3 10 Pika Sake 4 4 Mononoke's shadow 8 5 red dragon 2 12 GOD! 5 10 aaaakiiirraaaa!!!! 5 8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11