FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF mikel87 back Manga God 0 3 Born in the 80s 1 3 The Good, The Bad, and The Noseless 0 1 Saiyan Prodigy 2 3 The Morphin' Bunch 0 1 Saiyan War 5 7 The Dinozords Bunch 2 1 Baldy Cape 2 3 Light of Humanity 1 3 Fragmentado 1 3 Final match 2 4 Saiyan's pride 1 2 KakaroToon 2 3 The Digi Bunch 0 2 Kame Vibes 0 4 Saiyan colors V 0 1 Saiyan colors 0 1 Reservoir Ginyu 0 2 YING YANG SPACESHIP 0 1 Evolution 0 6 The Legend of Dragon 2 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8