FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF mikel87 back Kakarot 0 5 Sketchy She 0 4 Sketchy Goku 0 2 Arcade Geek 0 1 8bit Fever 0 1 One for All 0 3 12 Houses 0 1 Korin's Senzu Beans Soup 0 2 DB World 0 4 goku 0 4 Pop Goku 5 2 Maximum Crunch 1 1 Transformer card 4 1 Attack of the Invincible 1 5 Attack of the Saiyan 1 2 Attack of the Fusion 1 5 Attack of the Emperor 3 1 Attack of the Potara 2 3 Attack of the Prince 2 3 One For All 1 2 Son Goku 8 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12