FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Fran Guerrero back Retro Shadows 3 4 Gear Second 4 3 Punto de Pose 7 17 Sweetest Game 1 2 The storm of life 0 8 The Neighbor's Landscape 1 5 Don't Run. 0 2 Water Starter 2 5 Grass starter 2 4 Fire Starter 2 8 Electric Starter 5 6 Test Unit 0 1 Shadow 0 2 Ready for Battle 6 5 Mario Box 5 2 Los caminos de la vida 13 15 Christmas is coming 10 7 The Upside Down 19 35 Straw Hat Crew 11 29 Nerd Xmas 7 16 Ryuk the Shinigami 9 25 1 2 3 4