FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Fran Guerrero back Torneo de Cell 2 2 El descanso de BILLS 2 2 Evangelion 4 3 Throne Battle 2 5 12 We Are The Guardians 9 8 Dream Team 2 4 My hero fighter 2 4 Goku in Social Networks 2 5 Swordsman Pirate 2 10 Straw Hat Pirate 3 6 We Love Movies 4 6 Pop Pirates 3 11 Think Inside The Box 3 1 A great power 4 3 Switch Wars 6 2 Art of Music 6 7 A story of pirates 7 13 Millenial Spiderman Vs Dr. Reboot 2 1 Hanzo Brush 3 2 The Mugiwaras 6 9 Captain 4 11 1 2 3 4 5 6