FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF NinjaBlake back Infinity Madness 7 14 Rabbit Hole 13 20 Smile Moon 18 23 Tao Eclipse - glow 15 21 Best Deer 13 20 Clown Moon 6 8 AlohaJedi 7 14 Monday Syndrome 9 13 TsunoMoon - glows 4 17 Twins Soul - glows with the male 6 12 Dragon Freedom 11 23 Phoenix Char 5 13 Dragon Attack 14 31 NeverEnding Dragon 7 18 Calcifer Tail 5 7 Fairy Dragon 12 15 Falling Fire 1 17 Owlsome 3 13 Catastrophe 4 10 Ghost Skeleton 3 8 Fantastic Travels 9 20 1 2