FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Aileon13 back Christmas Pets 2 5 Dishonor 7 22 Sushi-Sauro 1 4 Mirror of water 2 6 Aloha 2 4 Sushi Sleep 3 2 Robando la navidad 0 4 This is Christmas 0 8 Sailor Team 2 5 Ponyo in the window 2 3 Electric Trainer 0 1 Sumo Neighbors 1 1 Kittens Nerd 2 7 Sushi Fighter 1 1 Mistresses of Evil 5 11 Animezine 2 5 Inner Peace Sumi-e 1 1 Power Starter Colors 3 3 Reach for the stars 4 10 Training 1 1 Black Coffee 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 6