FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Aileon13 back charmeleon gaming 1 2 pewpewpew-kachu 0 2 Winter Wonderland 0 7 Mermaid invocation 0 1 Le petit neighbor 2 5 Princess festival 2 7 Villain festival 0 7 The Great Whale 7 8 karate cat 0 7 Black magic coffee 1 4 Delivery service 2 2 Frozen fantasy 2 8 KOI 3 5 Wonderland 1 1 Super Fire Type 0 3 Super Water Type 0 3 Super Grass Type 0 3 Kittenbus Totoro 1 2 Grand Theft Xmas Halloween Town 0 4 Chudori 0 2 Dragon Moon Glows 4 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9