FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF Theblackswordman back This is the Way 2 3 Spirited Graffiti 2 7 Targaryen Graffiti 0 4 Silk Needle 3 8 Fighting the Past 2 3 Silksong 0 7 Sumi-e Twilight 0 6 Beat the boss 3 4 Sans Lazy Bones 1 1 The witch 1 2 Half Wolf Knight 1 2 Demigod witch 1 1 The Warrior Jar 1 3 Half Wolf Warrior 1 2 Hollow: The animated series 1 3 Mando 1 4 A Ghibli's dream 2 7 Dragonborn 1 1 Cloud Strife 1 3 Eva Zero One 0 5 The eyes of my childhood with Studio Ghibli 2 2 1 2 3