FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF togaliv back Robots Revolution 3 1 BubblePad Machine 6 1 Battery 6 1 Hangover 7 2 WHERE is a South Pole? 7 2 Why so delicious 6 1 Skater de Pixeles 13 2 Bad Past Lives 14 2 Good old Times 19 4 forest spirit 12 1 Revenge 8 2 Merlin Monroe 10 1 I'm your father 0 2 Mis 80 en CGA 6 1 Rewind to the 80´s 26 3 Los Infalibles 19 2 Stronger than You 10 2 Angry´s brother 13 2 The Asteroid 7 4 World Of Wariocraft 18 3 Acorralado 20 3 1 2 3