FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF cliopatri back The Rhapsody 7 6 Unexpected clothing mates 9 8 Jungle road 2 8 JEIDI 9 12 Forest Sounds LP 15 6 Chesire Road 33 25 La Petite Rey 32 28 Danza de Dragones 41 56 The Fellowship of Silly Walks 17 7 Back to the Nature 19 14 Wall vader 22 30 Susuwaldo 15 8 My Creepy Neighbor 24 27 Banksy Games 12 7 Picture of Hogwarts 16 16 breaking park 8 7 The little monster 15 29 A baggins journey 24 19 Hell's Urn 21 23 My Neighbor Karin 20 9 Totoro in the moon 19 17 1 2 3 4