FAVORITE DESIGNERS OF cliopatri back Nevermind the ring 21 6 WallSy 33 19 Sheldon is Lost 22 9 'Tis But a Scratch 21 4 Picture of Thrones 28 13 The turtles 16 5 Los Muchos Rostros 17 18 Greeku 16 5 Cats 27 12 Totoro tradi 21 20 Chihiro and No Face 15 4 Darkside of Disco 13 6 Upbusters! 25 14 Somewhere 29 15 AB/CD 15 10 God Save The Quinn 18 20 Como Pintar a tu Dragon 23 18 Totoro Fukushima 10 9 grea(TV)est 9 1 Illuminionti 5 5 Dark side (of force) 11 19 1 2 3 4 5