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Sauna time

by - Davide -

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398 Number of votes

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anaanaana - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

I like it. It is very funny and I have voted it with an eight; but I would add something more. So, it could be perfect. I don't know exactly what to add ,but I feel the drawing is a little empty.

caztus - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Esta bien, es divertida, pero añadiria alguna frase graciosa a la bolsa de té o a la etiqueta del té para que diera algo mas de gracia a la camiseta

Naolito - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Hey Davide! nice to see you around here :)
I think that the design is already perfect, i scored 10+.

The only change that you should do, in my opinion, is to change the colour of the tee and design to blue, just to make it easier to sell. Yellow fits better with the scene, but in this case, for a tee, i think that blue is the colour.

duke05 - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me encanta. Además, la combinación de colores es buenísima.

ZANPANKRASIO - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

está genial... le daría algún toque a los ojos,,, ponerle pupilas o algo... es que así parece un zombie... por lo demás... muy buena...

un 8


LadyMadrid - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me gusta mucho, lo unico k cambiaria el color de la camiseta xk no se diferencia bien el diseño!!

muzikera666 - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

me gusta, pero quizás con la camiseta amarilla... demasiado amarillo! pero el diseño me gusta ;) buena idea!


CASTELLÓ - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Jeje, está muy bien.

Aunque el personajillo, por su expresión, no parece estar relajado....

Vankorok - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

es cierto lo que dice castello dela expresion. yo creo que poniendo los ojos en forma de "^^" pareceria mucho mas relajado.

aldeanovita - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

esta guapo pero unas cejitas y unas pupilas lo complentarian

duke05 - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00


Yo todavía no conozco a nadie que se relaje en una Sauna a 80º. jeje

CASTELLÓ - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Jijiji...bueno, no sé cuál es la idea del autor, pero creo que es esa, la del "rilax" ¿no?...


Lishub - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Yo si tiene que haber algun texto pondría lo de Sauna time...

Es original, me gusta. La camiseta amarilla me gusta pero no se distingue mucho el diseño y quizá sería mejor que destacara más.

Lenne1989 - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Opino igual que los anteriores :) más detalles y quedaría perfecta, con lo que a mí me gustan las infusiones jaja

- Davide - - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Hello everyone and thanks for compliments :D

I start by saying that I drew his face trying to make it as "enjoyed" possible

For the color i thought that yellow was more suitable, because is a very hot color

But if problem is only that, i change :)


Thanks to all

Bella.donna - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Woooooooo.O! Awesome! And I love tea! But, the only problem I see is the shadow of the cup, not reflected! In anyway is perfect! Congratulations! Postscript: Sorry if there is some mistake about my english!

- Davide - - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00


I understand, is not a problem, although I'm not English, i'm Italian and very often i translate with google

Thanks :)

butterfly - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

in generale mi piache il disegno ma ZANPANKRASIO ha ragione su gli occhi,sembra un zombie

butterfly - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

mi piace scusa!

- Davide - - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Wow, un italiano :) grazie amico!!!

In english:

Wow, an italian boy :) thanks friend!!

Sanentos - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Esta genial,me gusta mucho

Ninipuch - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me gusta el diseño! ademas soy una adicta al te... me mola!

Solo que no le veo salida comercial. Sorry

Yoliap91 - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

jejeje muy graciosa, me encanta

pepelugo - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

me encanta!!! que chula!!! le falta alguna frase pero men encanta!!

MrPrince - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

Genial! 10+

neeReea - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00

un poco sencilla pero me encanta !!!

ciamarvel - 5 by February by 2010, 12:00


Ysuran - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

Quiero 2.. una para mi y otra para mi novia :P

SLICEX - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

buenisima muy buen trabajo

kirtashx3 - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

le cambiaria la expresion de la bolsa de te

equidna - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

me encanta, yo la regalaria a mis amigos que beben te jajajajaj y como otros, creo que los ojos no son los adequados. a mi me gusta hacer ojos blancos como esos, pero asi no se puede entender la sensacion de placidez de la bolsita de te

Mish_el - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

Graciosa, me gustaa

- Davide - - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

Thanks thanks thanks :D

sergiolokus - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

muy bonito, muy original, me gusta

angyeah - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

jajajaj me encanta 10!

pimpampum! - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

 me gusta mucho la idea i el dibujoo!!

fairynita - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

Está muy bien, me la pondria me gusta muxo!

anaanaana - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

La verdad que contra más la veo más me gusta

anaanaana - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

The more I see the pic, the more I like it.

ArtBolea - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

el café me recuerda al logo de java

- Davide - - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

Gracias a todos :D

sektario - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

moooola muuuuchooo!!!

Ephira - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

Si, eh? Esta genial! Para la tienda de un conocido mio, estara genial!

xatunga - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00


Elenaa - 6 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me gusta!!!!

emqmpctpch - 7 by February by 2010, 12:00

me encanta!!! una idea muy original y , encima, el dibujo está genial!!!

esmape - 7 by February by 2010, 12:00

me gusta pero cambiaria o el color de la camiseta o la el del dibujo, demasido amarillo

Plusy08 - 7 by February by 2010, 12:00


muy chulaa!!

pero los ojos los pondria negro xq da un poco d mal royo

bertismoris - 7 by February by 2010, 12:00

es genial. un poco simple, pero a mi me gusta :)

picopajaro - 7 by February by 2010, 12:00

me encanta la cara.

Lau1706 - 7 by February by 2010, 12:00

Muy buena la verdad

- Davide - - 7 by February by 2010, 12:00

:) thanks

angel_dart - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

jeje esta bien el dibujo

berna116 - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

no esta mal pero le falta algo :S

khanedzy - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

si sta xula lo que han dicho por arriba le pondria ojos de relajacion ( de gustazO)

SbEnaz - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me encanta!!

- Davide - - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

Today the votes are low :(

amaly7 - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

jajajja apasionante, estaría en mi armario casi seguro!

-Sara- - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me gustaaaaa!!!!!

annalilla - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

Very nice sauna.... ahahahah!!! Originale!!! ;-)

vanny_3112 - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

jaja muy buena

- Davide - - 8 by February by 2010, 12:00

Thanks Thanks :)

I'm happy that you like it


Sabbath - 9 by February by 2010, 12:00


bertente - 9 by February by 2010, 12:00

muy guapa, quizá monocromática, pero divertida

ericachan - 9 by February by 2010, 12:00

genial, + 10, los colores me encantan

Narvi_yopo - 9 by February by 2010, 12:00

No me llama sorry ;S

- Davide - - 9 by February by 2010, 12:00

Thanks to all! Thanks


Narvy_yopo No problem friend :)


raquel81 - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

Genial diseño!!! Pero le cambiaría el color...

Tortilla777 - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

sin más

anaanaana - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

A mí también me gustaría más en otro color

- Davide - - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

First thanks to allmany of you have said that they would like the t shirt of another color, but I think that by changing the colors, would not be so immediate that a packet of tea / coffee is taking a bath ... especially for the brown color of the coffee / tea from which I based all the other colorsI hope you understand why I translated with google: (

samjane - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

....muy graciosa!!! Very nice!!! Optimus!!!

aixita - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

suoer graciosa!!!

sylar75 - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

algo simple

charlina2002 - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

la idea ta guay, pero lo que viene siento el diseño se queda simplon

aluffy90 - 10 by February by 2010, 12:00

muy buena

dartañan - 11 by February by 2010, 12:00

Le faltan los ojos no?? Un 7

nestris - 11 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me mola un monton pero el fondon amarillo? Mmmmmmmmmm....

SeakDesigns - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me gusta el diseño, pero cambiaria el color de la camiseta, se confunde un poco. También mejoraria los ojos de la bolsita de te, y la expresión.

- Davide - - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00

Thanks to all :) for all the vote

- Gio - - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00

Es genial! me la pondria!

Trilly - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00

10+ el diseño me gusta mucho

eldarc - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00

Buen diseño, aunque el fondo que tiene no la hace destacar mucho.

NUBBLER - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00


mola, enorabuena ^^

NUBBLER - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00


mola, enorabuena ^^

ZELDAT - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00

Me gusta mucho este diseño, aunque creo tambien que si tuviera ojitos la cara seria mas graciosa.

Muuuuy chula

silent_bob - 12 by February by 2010, 12:00

me gusta mucho el diseño

la_paino - 13 by February by 2010, 12:00

A mi me ha gustado un montón , me parece muy original y el dibujillo de la mosca está muy chula.....yo me la compro

- Davide - - 13 by February by 2010, 12:00

Thanks for all this votes :D



delaeffe - 13 by February by 2010, 12:00

with some text, o with a bigger picture, it will be better ^^

FranGali - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00

Cambiaría la cara por otra algo más placentera

biticol - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00

Very good

LANGUS - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00


panecita - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00

esta graciosisima

anaanaana - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00

I have read your reasons about the colours. But, ¿what about changing hte colour of the t-shirt itself?

gaupetit - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00

me encanta este diseño, los colores, la expresividad de la bolsita jejejeje, un crack

Kuroneko - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00

me gusta la camiseta, pero tambien creo k deberian poder combinarse el diseño con otros colores de camiseta, va a favoritos!

luciia88 - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00


irenegleon - 14 by February by 2010, 12:00

me encanta. me la compraría.